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Meet Content Caterer

Meet Content Caterer

A Black Advertising and Public Relations Company

Let’s get to know you and your business


About the Business

1. What service(s) or product(s) do you offer?

Content Caterer offers a one-stop-shop to engage your target audience with compelling content. Whether its social media management, graphic design, web design, videography, public relations, or advertising campaigns, our communication design team delivers creative thought leadership.

 2. What made you choose to start this type of business?

I chose to start this business because I have always been a creative person, but also have a mind for business. I am blessed to belong to a tribe of creative souls, entrepreneurs, and community leaders who enjoy working with me, and who give me purpose. 

3. How long has your business been in operation?

Six years.

 4. How do you attract customers?

Mainly word-of-mouth.

 5. How do you advertise your business/product/service?

Currently, I advertise on supportblackowned.com and a few additional online business listings. 

 6. Do you have any employees? If so, how many?


 7. What are your company’s goals and vision?

To help more socially conscious brands tell their story in a meaningful way that makes a lasting impact. To develop thought leaders. To build sustainable and eco-friendly profit margins.

 8. Do you operate locally, regionally or nationally?

All of the above. I have had clients as far as Thailand, and as local as the neighborhood I grew up in in Miami Gardens, Fl.

 9. What do you feel makes your business unique?

Content Caterer’s Silver Platter Process.

 10. What do you envision for the future of your business?

To connect people, ideas, media, products and social movements across continents.

 11. What do you want people to think when they hear your business name or see your business logo?

Integrity, creativity, results.



About the Business Owner

Provide a short paragraph bio.

Noelle Kristina Barnes serves as Managing Director of Content Caterer, LLC, and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Individualized Study from New York University where she developed her curriculum on Marketing, Entertainment Business and the Other. Ms. Barnes is an experienced Communications Design professional with a history of working with municipal government, music, non-profit, film, marketing and advertising industries. 

2. Why did you become a business owner?

 I became a business owner because it was the best way for me to contribute to society without  ever having to worry about pissing off some boss.

 3. How do you personally define business success? Is it money, freedom, power, influence, innovation or else?

All of the above. But not necessarily in that order.

 4. How did you finance your business launch?


 5. To what do you attribute your success?

A desire to always do my best, set measurable goals, and cultivate relationships.

 6. Was there a time you wanted to quit? How did you overcome those feelings?

I quit for a while. Pissed off a boss. Then, became my own boss again.

 7. What is your biggest regret if any? Every business owner has at least one.

Not taking business ownership seriously sooner.

 8. If you had one piece of advice for a new entrepreneur, what would it be?

Have tunnel vision to a certain extent. See only your goal, manifest it, then create a new one. Rinse and repeat.


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