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Meet Skip To My Lupus

Meet Skip To My Lupus

2. What made you choose to start this type of business?

My daughter and I were both diagnosed with lupus three months apart from each other.

3. How long has your business been in operation?

I have been in business for 13 years.

4. How do you attract customers?

Social media, public awareness events, word of mouth.

5. How do you advertise your business/product/service?

On social media, in local newspapers, radio and TV.

6. Do you have any employees? If so, how many?

Yes, we have 5 employees

7. What are your company’s goals and vision?

Our vision is to provide a healthy environment for people affected by lupus to get the care and support needed.

8. Do you operate locally, regionally or nationally?


9. What do you feel makes your business unique?

The fact that the owners actually have Lupus.

10. What do you envision for the future of your business?

Expanding our territory.

11. What do you want people to think when they hear your business name or see your business logo?

 I want people to be assured that we are their premier source for Lupus support services.


About the Business Owner

1. Provide a short paragraph bio.

Tamara Rajah and Alison Sheppard are the mother daughter duo living with lupus and the founders of Skip To My Lupus Inc.

2. Why did you become a business owner?

I've dedicated the rest of my life to helping others who are affected by lupus.

3. How do you personally define business success? Is it money, freedom, power, influence, innovation or else?

Success in this organization is measured by the number of people we reach and the quality of support services that they receive.

4. How did you finance your business launch?

Out of pocket.

5. To what do you attribute your success?

The grace of God and the support from other businesses, private donors, and foundations.

6. Was there a time you wanted to quit? How did you overcome those feelings?

Absolutely! I always remind myself of the "Why" I do what I do.

7. What is your biggest regret if any? Every business owner has at least one.

Not being able to save someone's life.

8. If you had one piece of advice for a new entrepreneur, what would it be?

Always focus on why you're doing what you do!


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