CNS Summit Releases Annual Digital Innovation Index
BOSTON, Nov. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The CNS Summit Digital Innovation Index, developed in conjunction with IDEA Pharma, was revealed at the CNS Summit annual meeting on November 13. The index evaluates and ranks biopharma companies' progress in innovation based on three criteria:
- Technology advancement
- Trial optimization
- Innovative partnerships
This year, special consideration was given to companies engaged in AI, machine learning, and improved manufacturing and logistics.
Roche claimed first place in this year's rankings, rising to the top from their second-place spot in 2023. Roche's notable achievements in remote patient monitoring via wearables and innovative collaborations with multiple partners propelled the company to first place for the third time.
In 2024, other top-ranking firms in the index, including AstraZeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb, Bayer, and Novo Nordisk, prioritized strategic collaborations, digital health advancements, and global expansions.
CNS Summit's Chairman and Chief Curator, Dr. Amir Kalali, said, "CNS Summit has long fostered and recognized digital and R&D innovation. CNS Summit is pleased to continue to support this independent effort to benchmark the performance of life science companies in the digital domain."
IDEA Pharma's CEO, Mike Rea added, "The CNS Summit Digital Innovation Index, the longest running study of digital innovation in biopharma, continues to showcase that there is no one way to successfully integrate digital innovation, as demonstrated by the variety of achievements the top companies have logged. We are now beginning to see more and more deep-rooted incorporation of digital tools and technologies, fundamentally changing how these businesses are run, increasing speed and decreasing costs, opening up even more opportunities for better and more efficient medical advancements."
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For more information please contact:
Hope McCain
CNS Summit
Jacqueline Barendregt
IDEA Pharma
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